Friday, November 5

accidental WORLD : Top 5 Futuristic Dental Clinics #1

Who are on the chart of world's futuristic dental clinics? In this issue, I'll reveal to you one of the top 5, KU64 which features a unique concept, visioned by owner, Dr. Stephen Ziegler and splendid interior design by GRAFT Architects.

What will you receive?

Visitors experience a sunny, sandy dune atmosphere. Dune is some sort of hill of sands created by interaction with the wind. Anyway, back to the subject, it has a spectacular waiting lounge and aroma of fresh coffee and music fills the room. It is about 1500m2, located in Kurfurstendamm, Berlin, Germany.


Waiting area.

Treatment room.

Rooftop view.
 What are the treatment services provided?

They range from Conservative to Esthetics Dentistry, Bleeching, Endodontics, Prophylaxis, Implantology, Inlays, TMJ therapy, Orthodontics, Pediatrics, Prosthodontics, Oral surgery. They also have their own laboratory!

Besides that, located on the ground floor is a Cosmetic Studio, with services like face cosmetics, hair removal, nail and skin treatment.

To create an inviting environment for children, playrooms are made where while waiting, they can have fun playing PS, playgrounds, toys, watching movies, and reading books.

Ain't this cool? Visit their site here!