Showing posts with label Fun Fact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun Fact. Show all posts

Saturday, November 13

accidental FUN FACTS: #2 Do You Know?


Fact 1: The Chinese has declared 20th September every year a holiday and called it "LOVE YOUR TEETH DAY". We should make one yaw!

Fact 2: People of the ancient times thought that it was the "TOOTH WORM" which caused toothache. It was thought the "worm" consumed the inner part of the teeth until the teeth are destroyed.

Fact 3: EEEEEW. The dentists in the olden days did dental transplantation by transferring teeth from a dead body and implanting it into a living patient's jawbones!

Fact 4: The Germany people during the middle ages would kiss donkeys if they ever wanted to get rid of toothache! YYERKS!

Fact 5: The Greek physician Hippocrates (400BC) suggested a toothpaste made from three mice and the head of a hare to cure toothache. WHAT?!

Fact 6: In the past, some people would tie a frog to their jaws to loosen a firm tooth!

Care to tie a frog anyone? You might be lucky you kiss the frog and it turns into a prince who could help extracting the tooth.

Thursday, November 11


Salam and a nice day for you!


It is now known that lots of people are demanding upon teeth whitening procedure. And in the advertisement on television alone, loads of teeth whitening products are shown every single day. In your point of view, white teeth are nice to see. Indeed they really are.

However, there are still some things you should know about your teeth color.

According to Professor Al-Bazirgan from Kulliyyah of Dentistry, International Islamic University Malaysia, it is not that the teeth color itself is white/yellow. It contrasts with the skin color. If one's skin is dark. So the teeth appear white. And vice versa for the white skin. This is unavoidable. If you have fair skin and yellow teeth, be grateful with it.
Now you judge: Whose teeth appear more prominent in term of shade?

Another cause to teeth shade difference is the translucency of enamel. Enamel is the outermost layer of a tooth. It is usually translucent. Underlying the enamel is the dentin. Dentin is yellow in color. Therefore, you can imagine how your teeth become yellow right?

normal structure of a tooth

Moreover, aging also plays an important role in giving the teeth their color. Over a long period of time staining agents generally seep in to your teeth giving it a yellowish tinge. Also, the enamel wears down and the natural yellow color of the underlying dentin becomes visible.

And most importantly, your oral care hygiene can also contribute to this matter. Brush your teeth twice a day if you want to get clean and good looking dentition. (And refer to this link for the proper toothbrushing technique)

Watch out for your habits as they may impart the color as well. Smoking as a good example, may cause nicotine deposition on tooth surface and therefore causing discoloration of your teeth. STOP SMOKING NOW!
Tea, coffee, soda and colored food are not to be ignored. Be moderate in whatever food you take. It is not about the color, but it is about health.


Things that you can avoid, try to avoid them - if you want to have white teeth.

Away from keyboard now,
Filani Fauzi

Thursday, November 4

accidental FUN FACTS : #1 Do You Know?

Fun in Dentistry?

Bet you're questioning, is it possible to find anything interesting in dentistry? Here are some facts that might open your eyes.

1. Our teeth are unique, like fingerprints. Even among twins! Next time you encounter twins, try to observe and justify.
Difference of teeth sets in twins.

2. Some cheese are found to prevent occurrence of tooth decay. Yippie yay! 
Mozzarella, Swiss, Cheddar and Gouda cheese prevents falling down of pH that is conducive for caries-causing bacteria.

3. If you're right-handed you'll tend to chew on the right side, and on the left side in left-handed person. Test it yourself! (especially if you're a left-handed).

4. George Washington's dentures are made from walrus, hippopotamus, and cow's teeth, and also elephant tusks. Yaikss!
George Washington's real denture!

5. Queen Elizabeth I's teeth was noticeably discoloured due to high sugary-food consumption. Some said it was terribly yellowish to black and loss of few teeth caused difficulty in her articulation.

6. Crocodiles don't clean their own teeth, but let plovers clean scraps of food from them instead. Crazy! Surprisingly crocs don't bite in this case LOL.
Egyptian plover feeding on left over scraps.

7. A snail could have up to 25 000 teeth. Where? On their tongue! Really? Let's catch one and do a research!
Electron microscope 1200x.

8. Horse's teeth are extremely long and grows continuously. They wear down, change shape and undergo discolouration as they grow older. Used as age detection.
Development of horse dentition.

Just something to share. Happy Deepavali and don't forget to study! :)